Grizzly Sport Fishing Delaware Bay & Atlantic Ocean Charter Fishing Out of Lewes DE

(302) 947-9271 | (302) 245-9776

Fishing Report Archives 2023

Grizzly Fishing Report 05-14-2023

You just never know what you are going to catch this time of year! We released our biggest striper to date last week that weighed in at 48 lbs. The striper ate a crab on the bottom in 70 feet meant for a tog. We also had 2 sheepshead in our catch yesterday. We had a pretty good stretch of weather and capitalized catching a bunch of fish each day. Catches ranged from 100 plus tog in a day harvesting 9 tog. Other days we saw that many seabass and only 25 or so tog but the keeper ratio was better with some larger tog. Big fish was 13.75 lb tog released this week. We also had to other citation tog last week. Seabass fishing starts tomorrow it should be good. Drum fishing has begun and we should see some flounder by months end. Thanks again to all that have joined us the last two weeks!

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