Grizzly Sport Fishing Delaware Bay & Atlantic Ocean Charter Fishing Out of Lewes DE

(302) 947-9271 | (302) 245-9776

Fishing Report Archives 2016

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Grizzly Fishing Report 06-01-2016

We finished off our tog season with limit trips on all full day trips. We do not target tog again till the reopen for the fall on September 29. We will fish for them from September 29 till early January. Sea Bass season opened May 15 and the few trips that we have got in so far have had great results. We are winding up our drum season. We have had some fair trips this month with drum up to 72 lbs. The first of the flounder are now being caught in the ocean and the bay both. These fish will be our mainstay most of the summer. We have also released our first brown shark of the season as well. Please visit our face book page for more pictures of what we have been catching. You can click on the link from our home page.

Remember to take the kids fishing! Thanks Captain Carey

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