Grizzly Sport Fishing Delaware Bay & Atlantic Ocean Charter Fishing Out of Lewes DE

(302) 947-9271 | (302) 245-9776

Fishing Report Archives 2015

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Grizzly Fishing Report 10-26-2015

We are finally seeing some good tog catches. Sea bass season opened and we had a good opening day on them as well. Tog fishing should remain strong thru the end of the year now. Striper fishing will begin in november and also last till end of 2015. Visit our face look page for more reports and pictures.

Here are a few of the citation tog caught this week:

Robert Faries 8.7 lb tog
David Washington 7 lb tog
Terry Bowman 7.5 lb tog
Seth Hanish 7.5 lb tog

Give us a call if you would like to get out! We will be doing some weekday make up trips. Give us a call to get on the list for these if you can get out with couple days notice. Remember to take the kids fishing!

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