Grizzly Sport Fishing Delaware Bay & Atlantic Ocean Charter Fishing Out of Lewes DE

(302) 947-9271 | (302) 245-9776

Fishing Report Archives 2014

Grizzly Fishing Report 12-22-2014

Merry Christmas to all! Thanks to all that have fished with us this year. We look forward to fishing with you all again in 2015. Give us a call to get those favorite dates locked in.

We got a handful of Striper trips in before the fish decided to push offshore and south. Every one of these striper trips saw fish over 25 lbs. Tog fishing has remained strong with very good catches on every trip. Most tog trips we are seeing at least one tog over the nine pound mark. We will be running a few more tog trips before pulling the boat for the winter. We will catch the stripers if they ever decide to come back into the three mile limit. There were loads of stripers 9 miles off the coast yesterday.

Remember to take the kids fishing in 2015!



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