Grizzly Sport Fishing Delaware Bay & Atlantic Ocean Charter Fishing Out of Lewes DE

(302) 947-9271 | (302) 245-9776

Fishing Report Archives 2014

Grizzly Fishing Report 4-14-2014

The fishing and weather were finally both good for a change. Ray Fisher and family had a great day of tog fishing harvesting a limit up to 7.5 lbs. Margaret Fisher was high hook but Paul Fisher had the big fish of the day award. Master Kim and family joined us next and also harvested a limit of tog to 7 lbs. Their young boy Joseph had a great day which can been seen by his photo.

We should see tog limits on a daily basis thru May 11 when the season closes. We have seen plenty of bait out in the ocean so the stripers should be around as well. Don't miss the chance to catch a great big black drum this May. Sea bass fishing will open on May 19. Looks like our Flounder regulations will be 4 fish at 16" so it should be a great summer.

Give us a call if you would like to get out and remember to take the kids fishing!


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