![]() Click Here For Fishing Report Archives Tog fishing remains strong. Striper fishing in the rips remains a bit of a disappointment so far but things should finally get going as this cold arctic air should finally help to cool water temperatures to were they should finally be this time of year. We will be fishing for both stripers and tog through January 10th and will resume on March 17th next spring. Alex Levantowsky and friends joined us for another day of tog fishing in less than ideal conditions and had a limit catch of tog up to 8lb 12 oz for Billy. Frank Tyler and friends joined us the following morning and also had a limit catch of tog up to 9lb 12oz for Lloyd F Farber and went on to catch four throw back stripers. Next we were joined by the folks from Nicola Pizza for a day fishing and had a nice catch of tog. Sara Geroge and family joined us following a couple blow days and found the tog still quite cooperative harvesting a great catch of tog up to 10lb 2 oz captured by Sara herself.John Koster and friends joined us for there finally to there deer hunting week for a day of tog fishing and had a good catch of tog up to 7lb 4 oz for Robert Deal. We once again had a group of folks from Nicola Pizza on board and the tog proved less than cooperative so we went in to the beach for the rest of the day to keep all on board comfortable and caught a few stripers bringing on home for supper. Jack Connor and friends joined us for a windy morning and braved the rough conditions anchoring on a rip. It wasn't long before the bass settled in and all on board captured a couple stripers harvesting three and a nice bonus flounder to top things off. Following the thanksgiving holiday blow we were joined
by Ed Lesniack and friends for a striper outing. We fished as
far to the east as legally possible looking for clean water but
never found any and were forced to settle with one striper for
the day. The following morning Eric Johnson and friends joined
us for a day of tog fishing and the water finally cleaned up and
the guys went home with a good catch of tog up to 11lb 8 oz for
Eric himself. We ventured a little farther with Tom Lang and friends
hoping for a banner catch of tog and we did find a good number
of fish however many went back for another day. Next we had folks
from Kirk Sales Inc on board entertaining clients for the day
and went right back looking for the tog and had a nice catch of
fish by days end. The folks from Pools plus joined us next for
a day of fishing and had a great catch of tog up to 9lb 8 oz for
Anthony Jenkins. John Pietuska and friends joined us for a day
of striper fishing capturing a handful of stripers harvesting
one.Ed Lesniack and friends joined us for a day of tog fishing
and had a good catch of tog.
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