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We have finally got some more seasonal conditions and along with it we will finally see the numbers of stripers which make rip fishing fun. Tog fishing will still an option along with the stripers till we tie the boat up in January. Jack Hoffman and friends joined us for a day of tog fishing and had a nice catch of tog with several throw backs while fishing the face of the outer breakwater which made for a nice calm day. Bob Deal and friends joined us for the annual day after Delaware Deer season trip. We opted to tog fish and were glad we did as the northeast winds forecasted for that evening arrived with sun up that morning. We managed a fair catch of nice tog including a 13 lb 4 oz fish caught by Bob himself. Jack Connor and friends joined us next for some striper fishing. Mother nature limited us as to our fishing areas with a strong southerly but we did manage one keeper striper, one throw back striper and keeper flounder. The following morning Gary Gutowski and friends had a slick flat calm morning and 60 degrees by mid day. We took advantage of things and put together a real nice catch of tog up to seven pounds. With the passage of a good strong cold front Thanksgiving evening we stayed tied up on black Friday. Saturday morning we headed up the bay hoping to find some clean water and some tog for Jim Kalmiski and friends. We found a small pocket of clean water but it fell apart as soon as the tide changed and we flew the skunk flag as no tog were harvested in the bay that day. The following morning Larry Gardner and friends had good clean water and an excellent bite on the tog. Most were small but we had a good catch of fish up to 4.5lbs by days end. Karl Reed and friends joined us next for a day of tog fishing. We beat the weather as the southerly wind and rain didn't show up but the hazy fog I believed slowed the bite and we returned to the dock with just a couple handfuls of keepers and some throw backs. We even fished two spots that day that were either so secret that even the fish didn't know about them or conditions had shut them off. We'll be back at it on Friday morning after enjoying a couple of days off for family commitments the next few days. Time to get the old wood stove cleaned out anyway. Looking forward to finally seeing some good numbers of stripers this week along with the tog. Capt. Carey Evans
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