![]() Click Here For Fishing Report Archives Well it seems that just when the fall tog and striper fishing was as good as it gets mother nature is once again doing her part to protect the stocks. The remnants of Hurricane Ida are providing us with four straight days of gale and storm force winds. Hopefully we will be able to get right back to where we left off once things settle back down. Bob Bluxton joined us for a day of tog fishing and had an excellent catch of tog including three over 7lbs. Tyrone Walters and friends also had a good day of tog fishing despite mother nature making it tought to sit right on the structure. Mike Weaver and friends also had an excellent catch of tog despite the low keeper ratio. Jay Campbell and family had a nice catch of tog started when the wind came on strong earlier than expected forcing us home on a half day. Alex Levantowsky and crew put together a nice catch of tog despite having to move around a bit to get them going. Jim Kamalski and friends sought out after our first fall stripers and caught a half dozen nice stripers before the boat traffic just got to much. We finished off the day with some nice tog. Greg Barnett and friends had a fantastic finish on their tog trip. With only 4 fish in the boat at 1pm we got them biting and these guys caught them. Ending the day with a near limit of tog up to 8lb 8 oz. Alex Levantowsky and crew had our first tog limit and returned back home early. Wallace More led the charge with a 9lb fish and Bob Witte and Alex himself releasing nice eight pound females for another day. Jay Lightner and friends had it as good as it gets. We first caught a limit of tog and went striper fishing. The striper gods shinned on us as well providing us seven stripers from 34"to 43". Jay capture the largest striper at 28lb 12oz and Ken Brown had a 23lb 8oz fish as well. We then headed back in early with a box full of fish to clean. This great tog and striper fishing will continue thru mid January so anyone wanting to get out should give us a call. With our enclosed cabin we can keep you warm on even the coldest of days that are ahead. Capt. Carey Evans
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