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Well the four days following our last report we saw some pretty serious wind. We managed to sneak in one trip between the south west and the northeast winds with the guys from Pilottown Village in Lewes DE. We pulled a circle hook out of a large black drum that day and wound up returning with only a keeper flounder for our efforts. The wind then turned northeast and tied up the entire Lewes fleet. The following morning we were back at it the folks from BWI corp for a day of tog fishing. The 10 to 15 northerly forecast turned into 20 northerly so we did the best we could with the conditions and caught a good number of tog by days end. That evening the winds subsided and Fred Zeleznik and family joined us for a quick afternoon trip. They took our recommendation to go up and try some for some black drum and harvested two nice fish up to 52 lbs between the evenings rain storm. We were then joined by Eric Johnson and family for a day of fishing. We opted to stay close to home to keep everyone aboard comfortable and caught a good number of tog however many were released for another day. Next we had a group of regulars for another day of wreck fishing. We had a near limit catch of seabass to 3 lbs and some nice tog as well. We released all females today with several over 7lb's. The largest two weighed in at 14 lbs and 16 lb 8oz for Allen Quillen. Congratulations on those fish Allen and thanks for letting those breeders finish their spawn. Next we were joined by I.D. Griffith Inc. for an afternoon of drum fishing. With near perfect conditions we had great expectations and wound up with three fish to 83 lbs for Bob Barker. Craig Schilling and family joined us for a day of wreck fishing. We found plenty of seabass however the keeper ratio was not very good. By days end we had a nice catch of bass with some nice tog to top off the day.That evening Shelly Moore and family joined us for an afternoon half day. We opted to give the drum a try and they proved uncooperative in the time we were there leaving us with some big sand sharks for the afternoon. Marvin Albright and friends joined us next for a day in the bay. We tried to mix it up a bit and finally found some cooperative tog and managed to keep a fair number by trips end. Yesterday we had a group of regulars back for another day of wreck fishing. The seabass were not near as cooperative as last week but we did manage a catch by days end along with a handful of male tog as well. Bob Wittie released a real nice female as well. We will be fishing for the black drum through the weekend and will begin targeting mixed bags of our bottom trips of flounder, seabass, tautog, and croakers. We will also be doing a some Thresher Shark fishing as well. Tuna season is just around the corner and we have a couple of prime weekend dates available along with some weekdays. Anyone wanting more information give us a call. Capt. Carey Evans
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